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Joe Hassell Command grew from an idea - a solution to a problem - identified by Joe during his time in the Fire and Rescue Service, to provide specific Incident Command Hour training to fellow, busy commanders. JHC also offer other individual and team command training, as well as consultancy, auditing and emergency service role player provision for live exercise development.


Joe completed 31 years in the Fire and Rescue Service, having served in both Essex, and Devon & Somerset. He has extensive experience at all levels of command and retired as Deputy Chief Fire Officer of Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service in 2022. He was also the on-call lead for the National Fire Chiefs Council and represented England at an international ‘exchange of experts’ symposium.


Joe is a highly qualified commander, trainer and assessor, and he has instructed and been part of Incident Command teams in across the UK, an abroad. He has instructed overseas with the Mauritius Fire Service through Red One Ltd, and was previously a tutor and assessor for Peter Stanley Training.


Joe has extensive experience in organisational transformation, setting up and developing Organisational Development and Programme Management teams to help with the Safer Together programme, which involved wide-scale public consultation and implementation of a new, ground breaking service delivery model.​


Joe is now using his skills as an associate with Katherine Lamb Associates, delivering accredited strategic  incident command courses, CPD and revalidation in partnertship with this sector-leading training provider.

Joe Hassell Command Fire Rescue Management Consultant
Joe Hassell Command Exeter Cathedral Interview

Other qualifications include:


  • MBA (distinction)

  • Postgraduate in Collaborative Transformation

  • NEBOSH National Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety

  • Level 6 Advanced Incident Command & Multi Agency Gold Incident Command

  • Incident Command Assessor


Follow Joe Hassell Command:



"The best instructor I have ever had" ACFO 


"The delivery, pace and credibility of the facilitator was first class." CFO


"Really enjoyable afternoon, carried out in an informative, non-pressured and inclusive." DCFO


"This is excellent facilitated training. I undertook one of Joe's scenarios in my role as Strategic Fire Commander. It was very realistic and based on real incidents and I have benefitted from undertaking the training which counts towards my command hours. Thanks for the facilitated session Joe!" DCFO


"A well structured and delivered scenario that included some relevant decision points around a wildfire incident type." GM, NFCC Wildfire Tactical advisor


"Really well run, flow, injects and questions were all pitched and paced to ensure the session flowed - really enjoyed it." GM


"Gave a good idea of an SCG and how to prepare for it. Excellent training." GM


"Joe was fantastic, a great supportive tutor and I feel I have taken away loads to use in the future. Well delivered course, I have loved it. Really appreciate your effort this week, a very professional training course."


"Joe was excellent! It is so important to have instructors with operational experience."


"The input from Joe was first class. His manner and teaching style made it easy to learn." 




With our breadth of experience, reputation and contacts across the emergency response sector, we offer consultancy packages including change management, team building, leadership development, exercise planning, career coaching and mentoring, incident command coaching and mentoring. We also work with in-house incident command teams to help design and facilitate training simulations that include strategic command.


Read a bit more about our consultancy services, including a recent case study, here, or get in touch to discuss your requirements.


To book on to a course, or to find out more, send us a message below, with your requirements, and we will get in touch. You can also email or call us on +44 7967 310398.

Thank you for your message.

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