Our virtual Tactical and Strategic command hour training events are specifically designed for busy FRS senior managers who want to practice decision making and command skills in a convenient and no-risk environment.
Our events replicate the remote, multi-agency settings of major incidents at TCG or SCG. Each realistic, immersive training event results in the completion of 3 command hours so you can ensure that you are maintaining your skills at the highest level.​
We have now entered a partnership with K Lamb Associates so you can now also book any of our courses through us or
K Lamb Associates (particularly useful if you are already a client of KLA and can add this to an existing contact or procurement).

Suitable for teams or peer groups working at the same
command level.
Individual or small group of up to 4
online or 8 in person
Used to practice decision making and learn from others in your team, scenarios: Wildfire, Waste Fire, High Rise, Flooding, MTA. 3 Command hours.
Cost: On-line: £1250 half-day max 4 delegates
In-person: from £1500 half-day max 8 delegates
Bespoke local scenario: Contact us to discuss


For new or experienced Group or Station Managers who are required to attend a Tactical Co-ordinating group as a Fire Tactical Commander
Course content:
Preparing a Fire Strategy
Preparing for the TCG
Awareness of other agencies
Working in a multi-agency environment
JESIP principles
Legal Obligations
Cost: On-line:
£1500 half-day, 3 command hours (up to 8 delegates)

For new or experienced Area Managers or Principal Officers who are required to attend a Strategic Co-ordinating group
Course content:
Developing a Fire Strategy
Preparing for the SCG
PESTELO analysis
Awareness of other agencies
Working in a multi-agency environment
JESIP principles
Legal Obligations
Cost: On-line
£1500 half-day, 3 command hours (up to 8 delegates)

For new or experienced Group or Station Managers who are required to attend a Tactical Co-ordinating group as a Fire Tactical Commander.
This course is ideal for Tactical commanders who have on-site experience at an incident but have not yet attended a
Tactical Co-ordinating Group and those wishing to further their decision making skills in a multi-agency setting.
Course content:
Preparing a Fire Strategy
Preparing for the TCG
Awareness of other agencies
Working in a multi-agency environment
JESIP principles
Legal Obligations
Attendance of a virtual TCG
Cost: £2500 full day
Up to 8 delegates
£2000 full day - On-line
Up to 4 delegates. 6 command hours

For new or experienced Area Managers or Principal Officers who are required to attend a Strategic Co-ordinating group.
This course is ideal as compliment to a Multi-Agency Gold Incident Command (MAGIC) Course but focusing on the role of the Fire Strategic Commander.
Course content:
Developing a Fire Strategy
Preparing for the SCG
PESTELO analysis
Awareness of other agencies
Working in a multi-agency environment
JESIP principles
Legal Obligations
Attendance of a virtual SCG
Cost: £2500 full day - In person
Up to 8 delegates
£2000 full day - On-line
Up to 4 delegates. 6 command hours
Audit your ICS training and assessment methods to ensure they are compliant with National Operational Guidance, JESIP principles and best practice. Can be used for reporting to Audit Committees, for preparing for HMICFRS inspections and for peace of mind. Our auditor will need access to training records, Operational assurance records and observe an incident command assessment if ICS training and assessing is delivered in-house.
Whether you are an Emergency Service, Local Resilience Forum, National Infrastructure, Transport, Industry or private sector, we help you arrange exercises or simulations and be involved at the planning stage right through to the debrief to ensure that all your outcomes are realiSed. We understand that sometimes, despite careful planning, things can happen outside of your control, such as emergency services not being available to participate in critical exercises. We alo provide you with qualified commanders from all the emergency services to ensure your exercises run smoothly and effectively. See an example of what we do, below.
The National Rail Exercising Team wanted to replicate a Major Incident response to a simulated train crash in real time and needed all emergency services to attend both the site of the simulated accident and the Tactical and Strategic Co-ordinating groups. Due to anticipated strikes in both the ambulance and fire service, National Rail worked with Joe Hassell Command who ensured a resilience provision was put into place for Fire and Ambulance Commanders to attend at all levels of command, to ensure the exercises were a success.
What are Command Hours and why do I need them?Command hours are time spent practicing Incident Command in the role of an Incident Commander, Operational Commander and Functional Sector Commanders. Command hours can be logged at incidents, as well as at practical or simulated exercises. Why do you need to log them? National Fire Chiefs Council’s (NFCC) Incident Command National Operational Guidance (NOG) states that ‘annual targets for time spent practicing incident command will ensure adequate exposure to maintain currency of skills. Target hours also ensure that a corporately agreed volume of opportunities have been provided to prepare individual commanders.’ Source: Incident command: Knowledge, skills and competence | NFCC CPO | From 2020, as well as a 2 yearly revalidation of knowledge test and practical command assessment, a number of Command hours and CPD are also required to be carried out to remain competent. So essentially, if you are not practicing and logging regular command hours, you may not be classed as competent.
How do the simulations work?Once you have booked, one of our facilitators will send you virtual log-in details to the email of your choice. To replicate a real incident, about an hour before the simulation starts, you will be sent information regarding the incident that would be supplied such as METHANE and IIMARCH messages, so you can start to prepare. Once you log in, you will meet your online facilitator who will check you have all the necessary resources. The facilitated session uses videos of role-players and is a mix of tactical decision making and simulation and includes student briefing and orientation, briefing from the Incident Commander, preparation time for the meeting, pre-briefing with Police Chair, attendance of SCG/TCG and then feedback and professional discussion. Once complete you will be sent a certificate to use as evidence, and if required, a recording of the simulation for your own records. Please note that if you need extra time for reading, or any other adjustments, please just let us know. We are happy to help. And remember, you are not being assessed, so you can come in and out of role throughout the session, to ask questions. The session is for you to get the most out of it. Take a look at our video above, that shows you a bit more about how the sessions work. If you would like a demonstration, or simply wish to discuss your requirement, get in touch. We are here to help you meet your training needs.
How do I book a session?Just fill in the online contact form and we will contact you to arrange a time and date.
How long does each simulation take?Each session lasts around 2 and a half hours, allowing for 2 hours of simulation and an additional 30 mins for introductions, feedback and professional discussion.
How do I pay?Once the simulation is complete, we send you an invoice. Usually you will provide a cost code from your finance or procurement department to start the payment process. We kindly ask for payment within 30 days of receiving our invoice. We are happy to carry out ad-hoc simulations based on service needs or enter into a supplier’s contract – whatever suits your needs.
What if I get called out, or need to rearrange?We understand that situations and schedules change and that you can get called out to a shout at a moment’s notice. Where possible, changes to appointed training times should be made at least 48 hours in advance, although we are happy if you find someone else to go in your place. If you cannot find anyone to take your place at the allocated time, and need to cancel between 24-48 hours in advance, then you will be charged 50% of the course that was booked unless you can re-book into a free spot (if available) within 7 days. Under 24 hours’ notice, we charge the full cost of the training, unless you can re-book into a free spot (if available) within 7 days, or find someone to take your place. If you need to discuss this, or any booking, please get in touch with us as early as possible and we will do what we can to help.
How many command hours do I need to carry out per year?This is a difficult one to answer! National Guidance states that it’s down to each Fire & Rescue Service to determine depending on their risks. We know of some FRS who have agreed 8 command hours per year, and others who have agreed 20. Whatever you decide, we are here to help.
How do I ensure I am practicing command at the right level?The NOG gives this clarity and also states that ‘Incident commanders should be revalidated against the level at which they are operating in a command capacity.’ For Strategic Commanders this is described as level 4 command, remote from scene attending a Strategic Co-ordinating Group. We recognise that this is very difficult to achieve, and in our experience, what usually happens is that when a large exercise is arranged, a Strategic Commander is invited to attend, either as an observer/mentor or to take over the incident. Both are beneficial for many reasons, but in the context of logging command hours described in the NOG, don’t really help. Observing cannot be logged as command hours as the observer is not in a command role. If the Strategic Commander takes command, the command hours would be logged at level 2 or 3 (on-site) rather than level 4 (remote, strategic incident command). This is the key reason we set up Joe Hassell Command - to ensure Strategic Commanders have a place to practice at the right level – remote, attending an SCG.
Can you design the simulations based around my local risks?Yes. All our simulations are based on NFCC Scenarios using real locations. However we are very happy to design bespoke simulations built specifically for your risks, for additional cost.

To book on to your chosen course, or to find out more, simply send us a message below, with your requirements, and we will get in touch to arrange a time and date for you to complete your training, that fits around your schedule. You can also email or call us on +44 7967 310398